Association with Personal Experiences

Association with Personal Experiences: The Impact of Damaging Experiences on Memorisation

  • Use Sensory Cues: Utilise sensory cues to aid in memorisation. Engage multiple senses, such as sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, to create vivid and lasting memories.
  • Use Visual Imagery: Harness the power of visual imagery to create mental pictures that enhance memory retention. Imagining concepts or information visually can make it easier to remember.
  • Negative Experiences: Negative experiences can have a detrimental effect on memorisation. Stress, trauma, or unpleasant emotions can hinder the encoding and retrieval of memories.
  • Distractions: Excessive distractions during the learning process can impede memorisation. Minimise distractions and create a conducive environment for focused learning.
  • Lack of Engagement: When personal experiences lack engagement or relevance, it becomes more challenging to remember the associated information. Find ways to make the material personally meaningful or interesting.
  • Memory Suppression: Intense or traumatic experiences can lead to memory suppression as a coping mechanism. This can hinder the recall of specific details or events.
  • Inadequate Encoding: Failing to encode information effectively during personal experiences can result in difficulties with memorisation. Paying attention, actively processing the information, and making meaningful connections are essential.
  • Emotional Interference: Strong emotional states, such as anxiety or stress, can interfere with memory formation and recall. Managing emotions and creating a positive learning environment can support better memorisation.
  • Cognitive Load: Overloading the working memory with excessive information or tasks can negatively impact memorisation. Break down complex information into smaller, manageable chunks.
  • Learning Strategies: Employ effective learning strategies, such as spaced repetition, summarisation, or self-testing, to optimise memorisation and retention.